Thursday, December 16, 2004

A Day Will Pass Through Ages

A day will pass through ages of sweet youth
Before it finds furling of its whisper,
And all is under there in earth's bucktooth
The clearer it comes and much more crisper;
The deep sea dwells in each new thought to tell
Like morning comes after a fortnight dead,
And casts its stage its age into a whirlpool spell
Cry of gulls that know what's been aforesaid.
Nothing connects nothing on the margate sands
Undid the time the trams and dusty trees,
Give thoughts to the ways no one understands
For a sentence may connect when it frees;
Expect not to be what is there in promised:
The bells pealing and the accompanist.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

December Jazz

Outside rain
It's draining into my vein,
Like a December Jazz
With many verses razzmatazz;
Drifting to and fro
In a shadow adagio,
From winter's doors and windows
And frosty silver's glows.

Melodies in rows
With striding forte pianos,
Passing through and too
And always new and new;
Calling out in mood December
In cold blue Ice and amber,
Down and up the lane
And through my neural rein.

Outside strain
Coldness in tempers fain,
Like a December Jazz
In all its compass and as;
Giving some inspiration
From winter's characterization,
What is inside atmosphere
Each mood and heart adhere.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

People Who Talk

People who talk
never sit still,
with someone to stalk
and rumors to spill.

What will they say
when left alone,
nothing to weigh
throwing no stone.

Gibbering much
scandaling too,
all out of touch
nothing is new.

Invisible silence
why are you here,
shadowing blench
going nowhere.

Open up subject
on gossiping news,
try and to reject
in their own thews.

Give Not Up Dreams

Give not up dreams
that you carry with you,
though everything seems
wishful - untrue.

Each has its own
wishfully ways,
what seeds have sown
to coming days.

What is for sure
no one can take,
for there is more
there in the make.

The world has its place
and with your dreams,
they can amaze
what now not seems.

Future is welcome
with the new seeds,
there will be blossom
there will be needs.

Let There Be Love

Let there be love
that gives much more,
that sunshine above
if that is for sure.

Just like the air
that we need to live,
each time we care
we truly give.

Anguish in a heart
makes you feel old,
all what you start
you can not hold.

Why is it then so
you keep not the peace,
so it shall flow
and worries release.

Be of the sunlight
which gives a flower,
morning so bright
sootheing shower.

Summer Is All Done

Summer is all done
and autumn there too,
every flower is gone
into a seed to renew.
Days are coming in dark
with the wintry roses blue,
in frosty and coldness spark
they are in beauty true.

Spring is for the newborn
that grows up to a maybe,
into futures and its morn
that might become a tree.
There are no answers there
you haven't heard before,
but they are there to share
and giving seeds to more.

What has been said untold
you must read between the line,
each comprehend might hold
what hard is there to define.
Remember with each daisy
there are colors beautiful,
and there you come to see
that life is full not dull.

There's Nothing To Know

There's nothing to know
if nothing has been said,
some thoughts are to grow
into your daily bread.

Keep them therefore coming
be steady with them on,
allow them to be blooming
before their growth is done.

You need to understand
what everything is for,
so you may it command
to open up its closed door.

Like stars that shine at night
they are there to be seen,
and when they lose their flight
you know where they have been.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Blow Blow Wind

Blow blow wind,
the day will come
when it's disciplined
like earth's blossom.

Rain and peace
will keep you warm,
with sunshine trees
and colored charm

The days go by
with clouds in drift:
sometimes clear sky
and rivers flow riffed.

Blow away chagrined,
sad feelings agnosticism;
what's unhappy rescind,
keep it there ad-infinitum.

Within the daisies
flowers will conform,
with plenty of dandies
that now are in dorm.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Delight days

Delight days,
all is within
sunshine rays
where heart and feelings truly spin.

Like with love
that's manifested and true,
it fits like glove
like one for two.

And a smile
that's before a kiss,
should take a while
before it is.

Each imaginations
is like the whole,
within these liaisons
in each others role.

There should be more
that isn't written,
I'm though not sure
what exactly is hidden.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

The Illuminant

Through the night I'll learn
what my dreams are made from,
there is lasting ever yearn
to catch one of these seldom bloom.

Through the dawn I'll find
everything I was searching for,
the earth in rays like calcimined
drifting through the brightened shore.

What else can you wish upon
than the gleams of new sunshine,
that rose up through ocean spawn
faraway from a horizon line.

Through the night I have learned
what comes next to comfort me,
what I have and what adjourned
night is for the illuminant to see.

Day Is Now Asleep

Day is now asleep
for the night is young,
with hours still to keep
which shadows prolong.

Shadings in and out
silence still each thought,
moon so far about
in with gleaming brought.

Deep in sleep we go
finding dreams thereon,
nocturnal breezes blow
untill umbrage is gone.

Day is now asleep
nothing is though for long,
soon away to sweep
lonesome dusky song.

I'm Still Dreaming

I'm still dreaming like the stars faraway,
through the night as they - drifting into dark;
in the dim with flickering shine they play,
giving up their glisten falling quick spark.
All is a dream there, out in nowhere space,
filling in emptiness of long gone thoughts;
fantasy or rave perhaps just in the rays,
decorations: silver linings and blots.
Everything is turning come in new turn
what was out there maybe extinct again;
all on heaven high in expressing burn,
there is no point then - search for it in vain.
For life's too short to fill with dreams out,
we have only the time to find their doubt.

Drifting and Fading

the dark in the deep,
a sundering light
drifting and fading.

Summer was here
some months ago,
with flower bouquets
in colors and fading.

All the enchantments
that gave the day,
a meaning and a life
in freshness and fading.

Now it's December
with memories not lost,
but longing once more
- drifting and fading.

For a While

You and I
like flying leaves
in the breeze,
for a while.

Days dimming,
lights out,
only hearth-fire
and your smile.

You and I
so much besides,
and dreams to come
with its infantile.

Sounds, like music
through the air,
out in the dimmet,
- for a while.


The day is now
like old and new.
Full of sorrows
for the lost fall.

Outside, the evening
coming slowly in
with darker shadows
filling up the horizon.

Not all is lost,
there is still the sunrise
which comes tomorrow
and filling the dark air.


I see out my window
it has been snowing,
something that I can't know
will be there tomorrow.

The days are drifting
in the everlasting grayness
that comes and gives
the dullness that is now.

All the breath in the gust
is in the trees surrounding
and filling the air with cold
old yellow leaves fragrances.